Welcome to Sandtray Suite Lite!

Start your sandtray therapy journey HERE! In this video, you'll get an overview of what to expect with the LITE version of the Sandtray Suite and how to make the most of this course! 

What do I need? Materials for Sandtray Therapy

Wondering what the most important STUFF you need for your sandtray practice? Watch this video and learn! 

But WHY does it work? The Neuroscience of Sandtray Therapy

Check out this short video that gives you insight into the power of sandtray therapy and what makes it the perfect tool for working with trauma. 

What do I say? Processing Tips for Sandtray Sessions

Never have that 'deer in the headlights' feeling again. Check out this video for my top tips on processing sandtray sessions. 

How do I work with littles in the sandtray? Best practices for working with children in the sand

Grab my top tips for working with children in the sandtray and watch a session of what sandtray looks like with a child (not a client). 

Adults will work in the sand? How to get the buy-in and make the most of your adult sandtray sessions

Learn how to make amazing progress with adults and watch a session of how sandtray can help adults (not a client). 

Bonus video! 

Still struggling with how to explain sandtray to others (or just yourself?) I've got you! 

Bonus: Child Explainer Video

Bonus: Adult Explainer Video

Loving what you've learned so far?

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